
My browser has a new homepage

Written by Pranav Chakkarwar

published on 05 Jun 2021
updated on 23 Jun 2022

What’s MinDash?

MinDash is a personal, minimal dashboard that stores your bookmarks and allows you to search with multiple search engines. It can be deployed to the cloud or served from your device. It works across browsers and timezones.


Planned features

Open the dashboard on new tabs

Customize bookmarks

  1. Navigate to _data —> bookmarks.yml
  2. For each bookmark use the format below
- name: Anonaddy
  url: https://app.anonaddy.com

- name: Uptime Kuma
  url: https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma

Customize search engines

  1. Navigate to _data —> search.yml
  2. For each search engine use the format below
- name: Brave Search
  queryurl: https://search.brave.com/search?q=

- name: Too Much Info
  queryurl: https://toomuchinfo/search?q=

Get a dashboard for yourself

  1. Get the latest code (A new version is WIP, stay tuned).
  2. Edit the _data dir as you like it.
  3. Build the site with jekyll.
  4. Host the _site folder wherever you like. I recommend using Codeberg pages.
  5. Feel free to make a pull request.